Students in grade 6 will be issued Chromebooks to use during the school year, and students in grades 7 and 8 will be issued Macbooks. These devices are part of the Maine Learning Technology Initiative. Students may bring home their devices to complete school assignments during the school year.
Family/Caregiver Permission Required
Students and their parents/caregivers are required to sign and return the FMS Acceptable Use of Laptops Form before students are allowed to bring their laptops home. Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to review the MLTI Laptop slide presentation.
Acceptable Use
Student access to the school's computers, networks and Internet services are provided for educational purposes and research consistent with the school's educational mission, curriculum and instructional goals, and code of conduct. The same rules and expectations govern student use of computers as apply to other student conduct and communications. There is no social media use at school (i.e SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok, etc).
Prohibited Use
Students are responsible for their actions and activities involving school computers, networks, and Internet services and for their computer files, passwords, and accounts. Examples of unacceptable uses that are expressly prohibited include but are not limited to the following:
- Accessing and/or Authoring Inappropriate Materials: Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning, or displaying materials that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing, and/or illegal;
- Illegal Activities: Using the school's computers, networks, and Internet services for any illegal activity or activity that violates other School Board policies, procedures, and/or school rules;
- Violating Copyrights: Copying or downloading copyrighted materials without the owner's permission;
- Plagiarism: Representing as one's own work any materials obtained on the Internet (such as term papers, articles, etc.). When Internet sources are used in student work, the author, publisher, and web site must be identified;
- Copying Software: Copying or downloading software without the express authorization of the system administrator;
- Non-School-Related Uses: Using the school's computers, networks, and Internet services for non-school-related purposes such as private financial gain, game playing, personal communication, or any other personal use;
- Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access: Sharing passwords, using other users' passwords without permission, and/or accessing other user's' accounts;
- Malicious Use/Vandalism: Any malicious use, disruption or harm to the school's computers, networks, and Internet services, including but not limited to hacking activities and creation/uploading of computer viruses; and
- Social Media Use: No SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok, other social media or messaging apps.
No Expectation of Privacy
The school unit retains control, custody, and supervision of all computers, networks, and internet services owned or leased by the school. The school reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by students. Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers, including school e-mail and associated digital documents.
Travel Outside of Maine
Students may not transport their school-issued laptops outside of the state of Maine.
School Vacations
Students will leave their laptops at school during school vacations.
Compensation for Losses, Costs, and/or Damages
Students and their family/caregivers are responsible for compensating the school for any losses, costs, or damages incurred by the school for violations of Board policies and school rules while the student is using school computers.
School Unit Assumes No Responsibility for Unauthorized Charges, Costs, or Illegal Use
The school assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized charges made by students including but not limited to credit card charges, long distance telephone charges, equipment and line costs, or for any illegal use of its computers such as copyright violations.
Student Security
A student should not reveal their full name, address, telephone number, social security number, or other personal information on the Internet. Students may never agree to meet people they have contacted through the Internet without family/caregiver permission. Students should inform their teacher if they access information or messages that are dangerous, inappropriate, or make them uncomfortable in any way.
System Security
The security of the school's computers, networks, and Internet services is a high priority. Any user who identifies a security problem must notify the Assistant Principal or the school technology specialist. The user shall not demonstrate the problem to others. Any user who attempts or causes a breach of system security shall have is/her privileges revoked and may be subject to additional disciplinary and/or legal action.
Read the full Falmouth Middle School Handbook