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We recognize the role technology-based learning experiences provide to students to navigate creative pathways to courageous, compassionate, and fulfilling lives. At Falmouth Public Schools, we are preparing our students to thrive in our digital world while understanding that technology should be thoughtfully and safely utilized (compass point East).

Students and a teacher stand around a augmented reality sandbox learning about topography
Elementary school students show off their passion art projects, with a physical piece of artwork and a video created on an iPad
A student works on editing sound clips from a video on her computer

Falmouth 1:1 Devices

The Falmouth 1:1 device initiative supports the district’s strategic priority areas of curriculum and instruction, social emotional learning, and a connected community. 1:1 device initiatives are school-based any may vary grade-to-grade—FES students in grades K-5 are issued iPads to use during the school year, FMS issues Chromebooks to 6th grade students and MacBooks to 7th and 8th grade students for a $50 a year rental fee, and FHS issues MacBooks to 9-12 grade students for a $100 a year rental fee.

Individual devices allow us to manage the devices and what is accessible during the school day, helps teachers with lesson planning, reduces costs for the District, and ensures each student has a device that will meet statewide and national testing requirements. 

What do students need to know about their Falmouth-issued devices?

Students are expected to use their Falmouth-issued devices for all school related activities. Please review your school's Handbook below for additional information. 

Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity

Falmouth Public Schools recognizes the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers our students. However, we maintain that students must uphold academic integrity in their schoolwork. Using AI unethically or without expressed and clear permission from the teacher is an improper use of AI in school and not allowed in Falmouth. 

Examples of improper use of AI may include:

  • Using generative AI tools on assessments or to complete assignments without expressed and clear permission from the teacher.
  • Copying AI-generated content and turning it in as your own work.
  • Using AI to misrepresent your abilities or turning in AI-generated work without personal understanding of the assignment.

Cell Phone and SmartWatch Protocols by Building

Falmouth High School conducted a survey in September of 2024 and a community discussion in October 2024 on the new cell phone guidelines. We encourage you to review the findings from the survey and the overview from the community discussion

Board Policies

Resources for Parents/Guardians