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BEDD - Conduct of Board Meetings - Procedural Rules

School Board meetings should be conducted in an orderly manner with a minimum of procedural complexity.  The Board Chair generally shall have discretion to preside over Board meetings consistent with these simplified rules, fairness and common sense.  When necessary, the Chair may consult legal counsel or Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition available) to help resolve difficult procedural matters.

  1. The Chair presides over Board meetings and rules on all procedural matters. 

  2. All motions made at Board meetings must be worded in an affirmative manner, must not conflict with any law, and require a second.

  3. The Chair may make motions, second motions and participate in discussion.  The Superintendent may participate in discussion but cannot vote.

  4. Members of the Board may question a procedural ruling by raising a point of order.  The Chair shall consider the point or order, and then either modify or affirm the ruling. 

  5. If a member of the Board disagrees with the Chair’s final ruling on a point of order, the member may move to appeal the ruling by stating what he/she thinks the ruling should be.  Any such motion requires a second. 

  6. Any Board member who voted in the minority on a motion may move to reconsider the motion during the course of the meeting in which the initial motion acted upon.  

  7. In order to consider rescission of an action taken at a previous meeting, notice of the proposed rescission must be included in the agenda for the meeting.  If the proposed rescission may affect the legal rights of other parties, legal counsel should be consulted in advance of action on a motion to rescind.  Any motion to rescind an action taken at a previous meeting must be passed by a majority of the full Board.

  8. The final authority on any disputed procedural matter is the majority of voting members, provided a quorum is present, and always subject to any applicable law. 

Procedural rules may be suspended at any time for the duration of any one meeting by a majority vote of the Board members present.


Cross Reference:  BEDF – Voting Method and Quorum

Adopted: February 26, 2007

Revised:  April 22, 2019