BCA - School Board Member Code of Ethics
Having accepted the challenge of service on this school board, I accept the principles set forth in the following code of ethics to guide me in helping to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to all the children in the Falmouth Public Schools.
I will abide by all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
I will work to provide high quality public education for the children in Falmouth in accordance with the Mission Statement and Falmouth Beliefs & Practices.
I will consider the educational needs of children and how they will be affected in all of my deliberations and decisions.
I will recognize that my responsibility is not to operate the schools, but to see that they are well operated.
I will consider the input of staff, students, and citizens on issues facing the schools.
I will refer any feedback brought to my attention as a Board member to the proper authority within the school department.
I will endeavor to prepare for and attend every regular and special board meeting recognizing that my presence contributes to the overall efficacy of the Board.
I understand that I have an obligation to vote on all matters before the Board. I will inform the Board if I do have a conflict on any issue before the Board. I will not use my Board position for personal gain.
I recognize that a school board acts as a legal entity only in its collective capacity. I will support all Board decisions, regardless of my vote. I recognize that while Board members may not agree on all issues, it is important for members to work together as an effective Board.
I will not discuss confidential information outside of Board meetings.
I will treat fellow Board members, school staff, students, and citizens with respect.
Adopted: May 18, 2009
Revised: November 19, 2018
Revised: December 2018