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One Campus Vision

Falmouth School Board Facilities Committee Update

Read the update from the Falmouth School Board Facilities Committee, which highlights upcoming priorities and completed projects for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Read the Update

Identified Priorities

Based off of feedback from site surveys, constituent feedback, focus groups, and more, these are the identified priorities that meet community needs and educational best practices. 

outside photo of Falmouth Middle School


Falmouth Middle School's significant infrastructure needs.
  • ADA Compliance 

  • Code deficiencies

  • Lack of functional space for academic programming

  • Outdated bathrooms and locker room configuration

  • Drainage concerns—issues with flooding around FMS building

  • Air circulation limited in areas of the building

  • View Appendix D in the One Campus Vision Report to see full list of infrastructure needs 

Exterior image of the entrance to Falmouth Elementary School


Space limitations related to pre-K expansion and future pre-school age services.
  • Wait-list for pre-K

  • Future space needed for mandated services for students aged 3-5 currently overseen by Child Development Services

  • Large total population of students/staff

Exterior image of the entrance to Falmouth High School

Space shortcomings at Falmouth High School that limit current programming.
  • Undersized classrooms and educational spaces that limit programs and enrollment

  • Use of modular classrooms that remove students from main building 

  • Original design intent based on collegiate model with shared spaces

The front entrance of a small, gray building with red trim that has a sign that says %22Falmouth Public Schools%22


Space constraints at the Central Office that restrict both collaboration and privacy for Special Education department and Human Resources department.
  • Sound/confidentiality concerns for students and staff 

  • Preparing to meet the state requirement for 3-5 free appropriate public education mandate
  • Lack of space for mandatory record storage


In 2022, Falmouth Public Schools identified the development and implementation of a campus facilities vision as a strategic priority that supports our Guiding Principles. 

2024-2025 School Year - Projects

Major Capital Construction Application

The school department has submitted a major capital construction application for Falmouth Middle School. The Major Capital School Construction Program is a Maine Department of Education subsidized program that assists school districts in improving the quality and condition of learning environments. Applying and being approved for the Major Capital School Construction Program is a lengthy process, consisting of 21 steps. See the 21 step process below: 

The Maine Department of Education's 21 step process for Major Capital Construction Projects

Delivered Projects

Falmouth Middle School - In July and August of 2024, heat pumps were installed to regulate temperatures in the rooms that were identified as having climate control issues that affected the learning environment . A vestibule addition was added to the front of the building, allowing visitors to check in without entering the building. 

Falmouth High School - Heat pumps added to regulate classroom temperatures for optimal learning environment and bathroom stalls renovated for increased privacy.

Central Office - The 2024-2025 budget included funding for procuring a portable to add additional space to Central Office. The portable will be added to the campus in December 2024. This addition also anticipates a future state mandate that local school districts coordinate services for 3-5 year olds, which are currently coordinated by Child Development Services (CDS). This project was included in this year’s budget.

Turf Field Replacement - In June and July of 2024, the Falmouth turf field was replaced, exceeding its intended 10-year lifespan by 3 additional years. The turf field replacement was prioritized for student-athlete safety.

The new front entrance to Falmouth Middle School

FMS's new vestibule addition

aerial photo of turf

The new Falmouth turf field

Further Learning